Thursday, September 28, 2017

Camera History and Basic Functions

1.The camera obscura effect is the effect you get when have a completely dark room with a hole in one side. The image is reflected upside-down on the wall opposite of the hole. This effect is used in pin-hole cameras.

2.During the 17 century Isaac Newton and Christian Huygens perfected optics and made clear lenses.

3.The parts of the first modern camera were a box, a glass lens, and film.

4. Most modern cameras have a lens, and a body for light to pass through.

5. Digital Cameras use digital sensors to capture the light. They then save the image to the memory card.

6. Auto mode controls all the focusing and flash, exposure, and aperture. Everything!
Program mode is auto mode but it doesn't control flash and a few other settings.

7. Portrait mode is simply for taking portrait pictures. It blurs the background and sets aperture speed.

8. Sports mode turns the shutter speed as fast as possible so action shots will be less blurry.

9. Half Pressing the trigger button tells the camera to focus on what your pointing it at.

10. The crossed out lightning bolt means flash is turned off. You might want to use this when you have natural light or you want a dark scene.

11. Auto flash means that the light will fire a flash off if it thinks there needs to be more light.

12. If there is too much light your photo will become very washed out and light.

13.If there isnt enough licht your picture will look dark and grainy.

14. "Stop" is how much light there is in a picture.

15. If there are double the brightnesses you go up 1 stop.

16. If there are double the brightnesses you go up 1 stop.

17. Longer shutter speed means your picture will be brighter.

18. Short shutter speed means darker pictures.

19. Aperture is a small hole inside the camera that changes how bright a picture is.

20. You can increase the amount of light by lowering your F-Stop or making your aperture wider.

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