A. The most powerful picture is Ian holding his elbow in the waiting room. His face shows his uncertainty and you can see the fear in his eyes.
B. The images show a series of events and how Ian came to be who he is.
C. The captions show background information and the deeper picture behind each frame.
D. Ian always wanted to be in the military. He enrolled in a delayed entry program. He waited until it was time for him to leave to basic training. He had a goodbye party. Ian went through a medical exam and by the second day his pre-injured elbow was hurting. He was already being broken down. Other recruits in his squad chatised someone for acting up. When one person messes up everyone pays. The group did more training. When going through a simulation half of Ian's group would have died by a bomb, a bad start. The crew trained and trained doing different drills. When Ian got time to go hope, he proposed to his girlfriend. She said Yes but he wont officially ask until christmas in front of her family. Ian goes through more training and hard work. When Ian returns home he and his girlfriend break-up. He uses lots of drugs to help with his injuries. His dad thinks the drugs might be a problem. Ian says no. Ian goes back and forth between training and home. He struggles finding a place to fit in at home and at training. He is eventually deployed to Iraq for a year. When Ian came home he was greeted by his new girlfriend at a welcome home party.
E. Past
1. 2
2. Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
3. Background Information.
4. A quote.
5. Yes, many do.
6.A few do.
G. Its possible to tell a story through captions and pictures as the captions have all the important information, as well as extra background information. The pictures help connect the dots and visualize whats happening.
H. A lot of assumption and connecting of the dots is required when reading captions. A story does all of that for you. Also a story can have more detail and the story need imagery. Photos can do that for the captions.
Story: http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site36/2010/0412/20100412_011334_Ian_Fisher_American_Soldier.pdf
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